What We Do:
Advocates represent prospective guardians throughout the court process. Including document preparation and filing guardianship petitions, responding to objections, addressing notice defects, clearing issues with probate notes, and representing clients in guardianship hearings.
Who We Help:
A judge can appoint a responsible adult over the age of 18 custody of a minor, under 18. Parental rights are suspended but NOT terminated.
Guardians care for minors and make decisions that parents usually would; providing food/clothing/shelter, authorizing medical care and making educational decisions.
Minors 12 and older can petition to the court for someone to be their guardian. Prospective guardians can ask the court to appoint them, the decision will be up to a judge to determine what is in the minor’s best interest.
Call us today at (888) 245-4257 or apply online.
You may also e-mail us at intake@icls.org.
Seniors age 60 or over, call our Direct Senior line at
(800) 977-4257.
We’re here to Help
ICLS Continues to serve you remotely.
Fill out this application to determine if we can help you. If you have a short deadline, please call (888) 245-4257 for assistance.