Intake Line (888) 245-4257 | Senior Line (800) 977-4257 | EXIT

Systemic/Impact Litigation

The Systemic and Impact Litigation Practice Group’s mission is to challenge unlawful policies, procedures, and practices that prevent indigent people from improving their lives. We focus on access to public benefits, preservation of low- income housing, and cases that will have a broad impact in the Inland Empire community.

Photo of drops of water falling into a pool and causing a ripple effect.

What We Do:

  • Defending the affordable housing needs of the low-income
  • Defending low-income person’s access to public benefits
  • Property Assessed Clean Energy loan programs (PACE) or HERO program abuses

If you have a legal issue that will affect many people in your community, you may call the ICLS toll free number for services at (888)245-4257. You may also send an email to We take self-referrals or referrals from community-based organizations.

Please call our hotline for assistance and to see if you qualify for services.
(888) 245-4257

We’re here to Help

ICLS Continues to serve you remotely.

Fill out this application to determine if we can help you. If you have a short deadline, please call (888) 245-4257 for assistance.