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ICLS Welcomes New Members to Board of Directors 

Inland Counties Legal Services is proud to welcome new members to our board of directors, who will help drive innovation at our organization, increase support for legal aid, and work to make justice a reality in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. 

These new members have a diverse range of experience and expertise, and we are excited to have them on our team. 

Michelle Takagishi-Almeida, Public Service Program Director at Southwestern Law School 

“As an individual born-and-raised in the Inland Empire, I am most looking forward to expanding and strengthening community resources and partnerships in service to ICLS. I am incredibly proud to have an opportunity to represent and advocate for the richly diverse communities that I come from and in welcoming others to join us in supporting ICLS’ mission and the hard, daily work of ensuring that access to legal services continues to be possible for all community members, especially those who are most vulnerable to the whims of others and in the greatest social and economic need.” 

Brett Watson, Commerical Litigation Attorney with Cozen O’Connor 

“I look forward to providing input and guidance on how to grow outside interest in pro bono representation.” 

Analina Garcia, Reiki Master, owner of Hug A Tree Reiki, and Master of Arts, Clinical Psychology student 

“As a board member, I am honored to contribute to the advancement of ICLS and its commitment to provide justice and legal aid to individuals that may not otherwise have access to such services.” 

Megan Beaman-Jacinto, Civil Rights Attorney and Community Organizer 

“I look forward to working with ICLS to continue to lower barriers to justice, expanding ICLS’s understanding of the legal needs of our communities and how to meet those needs – particularly in the Coachella Valley and unincorporated Riverside County.” 

Joel Fung Wacks, Associate in Morrison & Foerster’s Appellate and Supreme Court practice group   

“It’s a huge honor to get to work with an organization doing such important work in the community I grew up in.”