Intake Line (888) 245-4257 | Senior Line (800) 977-4257 | EXIT

Staff & Attorneys

We are proud to serve Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. Reach any staff member by calling our main number, 888-245-4257. Media inquiries can be directed to


Tessie Solorzano, Esq.

Executive Director


Marsha Johnson, Esq.

Deputy Director of Litigation


Tori Praul Hedrick, Esq.

Deputy Director of Community Engagement

Pamela Herness, CPA

Chief Financial Officer

Jaime Cartagena, Esq.

Deputy Director of Operations

Practice Group Directors

Nicolas Villa, Esq.

Consumer Protection

Untitled design

Elena Castillo, Esq.

Systemic Impact Litigation

Gary Dennis, Esq.


Cara Whisler, Esq.

Family Law & Domestic Violence

Mischa Jackson- Kennedy, Esq.

Elder Law

Grant Jahner, Esq.

Health Law

Deliesha Brown, Esq.

Public Benefits

Latoya Belle, Esq.


Join our team of dedicated lawyers, advocates, and change makers.

Everyone who works with Inland Counties Legal Services is an essential part of our mission to deliver equal justice, equity, and inclusion. We are stronger together, and we work steadfastly to ensure that our clients receive professional and timely services.