Intake Line (888) 245-4257 | Senior Line (800) 977-4257 | EXIT


The Consumer Practice Group helps people struggling financially to secure stronger footing. Most people who are low-income and get sued wind up with judgments because they can’t afford a lawyer to help them. We are here to change that.

What We Do:

The Consumer Practice Group may be able to help you for free by answering your lawsuit and forcing the debt collector to prove they own your debt. If the debt collector can’t prove their case, we may be able to get your case settled or even dismissed.

We assist with:

  • Credit card debt;
  • Medical bills;
  • Student loans;
  • Identity theft;
  • Auto repossession;
  • and/or other consumer debts;
  • and/or if any of the above happened while you or a family member were on active duty.

If you are low income and/or over 60 and you have been sued for one of the above debts, don’t wait to contact us. You usually have 30 days to answer a lawsuit after you receive it.

We may also be able to help you if:

  • You are the victim of Financial Senior Abuse.
  • You received a HERO or PACE loan to fix your house and/or install solar panels and now you have a tax lien you can’t pay.

For assistance, please call our central housing hotline (888) 245-4257, to see if you qualify for services.

How We Connect:

The team participates in community fairs and offers community education presentations to community-based organizations and client groups on a variety of health care topics like eligibility and access to services. We regularly host a Consumer Rights Clinic. We are a member of the Inland Empire Coordinated Care Initiative’s Advisory Committee that focuses on the Cal MediConnect/Coordinated Care Initiative in Riverside and San Bernardino County.

Inland Counties Legal Services, Inc does not assist in personal injury, third-party liability, medical liens, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), malpractice, or workers’ compensation cases.