Riverside County Consumer Rights Clinic

Corona Courthouse 505 S. Buena Vista Ave. #201, Corona, CA, United States

The Consumer Rights Clinic assists eligible residents facing debt collection lawsuits. We can help you with an answer to the lawsuit, demand records from the people suing you. and try to negotiate a settlement or dismissal of the case.

Lawyers in the Library – Robidoux

Louis Robidoux Library 5840 Mission Blvd, Jurupa Valley, California, United States

Lawyers in the Library provides a venue for eligible low-income residents to meet one-on-one with a nonprofit legal aid attorney for guidance and assistance with a variety of civil issues including criminal expungements, debt collection lawsuits, education access, family law, housing issues, immigration, low-income tax clinic, public benefits, small business, and small estate planning. ICLS, […]

ICLS Board of Directors Meeting

Join the meeting at: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjEzMmY4MGMtODNiYy00MTg2LTk3Y2MtMzNkNTk0ZWY0NmNj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2249f453cd-c4cb-48b5-a9ef-03dc6bccf953%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%227502b9c7-8900-47a3-8497-79bad77b1d9d%22%7d

San Bernardino County Consumer Rights Clinic

San Bernardino Superior Court Civil Division Lobby - 247 West Third Street, San Bernardino, CA, United States

The Consumer Rights Clinic assists eligible residents facing debt collection lawsuits. We can help you with an answer to the lawsuit, demand records from the people suing you. and try to negotiate a settlement or dismissal of the case. ICLS cannot promise you will win. This clinic is virtual on Mondays and in-person at the San Bernardino County Superior Court […]

Family Law Access Project – Riverside

Riverside Law Library 3989 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501, Riverside, California, United States

Inland Counties Legal Services, in collaboration with the Riverside County Superior Court, is offering free family law support services to eligible residents through the Family Law Access Project (FLAP). FLAP can assist with divorce, domestic violence restraining orders, paternity actions, child custody and visitation, child support and spousal support. Appointments are required for FLAP. Visit: https://bit.ly/FLAPIntake […]

Lawyers in the Library – Perris

Perris Branch Library 163 E San Jacinto Ave, Perris, CA 92570, Perris, Riverside

Lawyers in the Library provides a venue for eligible low-income residents to meet one-on-one with a nonprofit legal aid attorney for guidance and assistance with a variety of civil issues including criminal expungements, debt collection lawsuits, education access, family law, housing issues, immigration, low-income tax clinic, public benefits, small business, and small estate planning. ICLS, […]

Riverside County Consumer Rights Clinic

Corona Courthouse 505 S. Buena Vista Ave. #201, Corona, CA, United States

The Consumer Rights Clinic assists eligible residents facing debt collection lawsuits. We can help you with an answer to the lawsuit, demand records from the people suing you. and try to negotiate a settlement or dismissal of the case. ICLS cannot promise you will win. This clinic is virtual on Tuesdays and in-person at the Corona Courthouse on Thursdays. The clinic […]

Family Law Access Project – Indio

Larson Justice Center (Basement level) 46-200 Oasis Street, Indio, California, United States

The Family Law team provides free legal assistance and document preparation at the Indio Public Library and the Larson Justice Center through the Family Law Access Project (FLAP). FLAP can assist with divorce, domestic violence restraining orders, paternity actions, child custody and visitation, child support and spousal support. Appointments are required for FLAP. Visit: https://bit.ly/FLAPIntake *Space […]

Unlawful Detainer Clinic – Corona Courthouse

Corona Courthouse 505 S. Buena Vista Ave. #201, Corona, CA, United States

Do you need help with an Unlawful Detainer? ICLS's Housing team conducts weekly clinics at the Corona Courthouse on Fridays from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. * By appointment only.

San Bernardino County Consumer Rights Clinic

Virtual Via Zoom

The Consumer Rights Clinic assists eligible residents facing debt collection lawsuits. We can help you with an answer to the lawsuit, demand records from the people suing you. and try to negotiate a settlement or dismissal of the case. ICLS cannot promise you will win. This clinic is virtual on Mondays and in-person at the San Bernardino County Superior Court […]

Unlawful Detainer Clinic – Riverside Office

Inland Counties Legal Services 1040 Iowa Ave # 109, Riverside, California, United States

Do you need help with an Unlawful Detainer? ICLS’s Housing team conducts weekly clinics at our Riverside office on Tuesdays from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. *By appointment only.

Riverside County Consumer Rights Clinic

Corona Courthouse 505 S. Buena Vista Ave. #201, Corona, CA, United States

The Consumer Rights Clinic assists eligible residents facing debt collection lawsuits. We can help you with an answer to the lawsuit, demand records from the people suing you. and try to negotiate a settlement or dismissal of the case.