A Message from Outgoing Executive Director Darrell Moore

The last five and a half years as Inland Counties Legal Services’s executive director have been the ride of a lifetime. It still humbles me to think about how I got here and all the people who believed in me along the way. But as it goes in life, sometimes a chapter must end for a new one to begin, and I’m excited for both the next chapter of my life and the next chapter for Inland Counties Legal Services. I’ve known Tessie Solorzano for almost as long as I’ve worked here, and I am more than confident in her ability to take over as executive director and carry our organization forward.

More than anything, I feel lucky to have been surrounded by people like Tessie over the years at ICLS. Our staff is the heart of our organization, and each employee is driven by a greater cause and dedication to our clients. Legal aid is a calling, and it is a lifeline for so many people in our communities. It’s easy to feel invigorated about the work you’re doing when you’re helping someone solve a problem they thought was insurmountable, and that’s what makes ICLS such a special place to work. Keeping a family in their home, saving someone’s food stamps, or helping someone access the health care they need all are normal days at work for our staff.

It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve the community alongside our employees in this way for all these years.

As I step back from my role as executive director, I invite all of you to think and reflect on how you can help make a difference in the lives of others. Volunteerism can enrich our lives in ways never thought possible, and it makes our communities stronger. We all have the power to invoke change for the better, and I can guarantee from my own personal experience that a life of service is worth it.

Cheers to building a better tomorrow.


Darrell K. Moore, Inland Counties Legal Services Executive Director