Addendum #1 – ICLS Single Audit RFP- Questions & Answers

*Note: A PDF of the Q&A can be found at the bottom of this page

This serves as Addendum No. 1 and becomes part of the original Request for Proposals package.
It must be signed and returned with your RFP response. The Proposal deadline will remain the same.

*Answers below [question]

  1. What is the prior year Audit Services fees? Kindly provide the breakdown for all the services.
    We prefer not to answer, we are looking for pricing based on provided information.
  2. What is the reason for the change in auditors?
    Periodic review of proposals as due diligence under our procurement policy
  3. Have there been any disagreements with your prior auditor? If so, please explain.
  4. What has typically been the most challenging aspect(s) of the audit process?
    The short turn around needed to meet funder requirements.

Acknowledgement of Receipt of Addendum #1

Company Name/Contact Name


Phone Number
